This is one of the most important essays, probably the most important, that I will have ever included in my blog.
It is vital to make oneself clear when writing on such matters, so I will attempt to do that as best as possible. When I say `Divine', I do not necessarily point to any particular `God'-like figure, the kind we are used to, carrying particular names for particular forms. By `Divine' I mean the highest possible nature that is attainable by an individual. The highest possible nature does not come from a mere cultivation of the mind or a strengthening of the body - it comes from this and much more than this. The steps for bringing about the ultimate awakening are elucidated as below. Read them carefully. Step 3 is one of the most important.
Note: Always remember to proceed in baby steps because one is not conscious of how prepared one truly is for the Ascension. A being that has lain dormant, asleep, for so long cannot ascend suddenly into Divine Consciousness without being subject to some sort of danger unless one invites the Divine Energy with completely sincere intention, free from all Ego, fear and weakness.
1. The first awakening in man happens when he realises The Possibility that had always lay secretly waiting within him - the possibility to ascend to Godhood. Godhood does not mean having so many spiritual powers, all though this is possible but only as a by-product and does not indicate the realisation of Truth itself. Godhood is when man trascends mind, body and the workings of Nature (with it, the law of Karma) - is in line with the Spirit, and realises his full potential. The Divine Consciousness that he had always carried within him as a seed, will finally flower into a full tree, as it ought to always have.
2. But this is only the beginning. The second step is to will this Ascent to Godhood.
3. The third step is to make the effort to carefully prepare the mind, body and spirit - the practise of The Yoga - to welcome the Divine Consciousness into his/her life. There is much writing on the subject of this preparation. Mahirishi Mahesh Yogi, Sri Ramana of Thiruvannamalai, Vallalaar, and of course Sri Aurobindo the great Master himself who wrote among his mangnum opus' - `The Synthesis of Yoga' and `The Life Divine'. It is also said that the reading of his `The Savitri' as a sadhana, may itself bring an awakening. What is important is to endure, calmly, patiently, on the path. Make the effort.
4. After all preparation has been made, it is important to invoke the Masters who aid those who wish to attain the Divine Consciouness, and consciously avail their help. Sri Aurobindo and The Mother are two such ascended masters who I can think of as examples. In today's world, it is difficult to distinguish the real masters from the unreal. So be careful in who you choose for guidance in your work.
5. Fifthly, when one is calm and prepared, he brings within him the descent of Divine Energy which then helps him to elevate him to Godhood. This perhaps is the real Kundalini Awakening as indicated in the ancient Hindu wisdom of old - after the practise of yoga.
By manifesting the Divine Consciousness in your own life, you are fulfilling a very important work which is part of the Earth's work. It is not just for your own soul that you must work, but also for all others, as we are all as much (part of) the Universal as we are Individual. Once we realise the Infinite/Universal within us, this radiates as a compassion from the within to the outside. You will begin to see yourself in others, and others in you. This is Divine Love. Your actions and thoughts will also begin to radiate love, and with this (cumulative effect), your life becomes a Life Divine.
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