In one of my posts last year, I spoke about human beings being the only living creatures on Earth capable of conscious thinking. Now I will contradict myself in saying that what differentiates us from other living species is not conscious thinking, but our memes. We all believe in different memes - memes of religion, family, growth, the future, politics, and so on. These are the things that both separate us, and unite us ("us" as in us, the homo sapiens). We are not truly conscious just because we hold a certain ideology, or follow a certain religious thought - we are merely infected by a "meme". True conscious thinking does not separate us from other beings, but unites us. Every thought/belief/feeling can move us that much further from another being. Just because a person belives his Allah is higher than your Ram, does not mean he is made of different stuff from you - the same cells, the same living matter gives him his breath, as it gives you yours. We need to throw away our memes - they are mostly useless unless they enable us to share more, give more of ourselves to other beings. We must subscribe to a much higher sensation than our memes which are mere products of our own consciousness emanating from this dimension/planetary level - our "mayic/mayan" stories (illusory thinking).
We must be aware of a dangerous disease that infects many today. Something I call spiritual elitism. Spiritual elitism is the phenomenon of feeling higher up on the spiritual evolutionary scale than others. It is so easy to succumb to this disease. Some of the symptoms are the feeling of a dire need to "convert" others, looking down upon "non-believers", etc. Spiritual elitism is linked to some of the memes you hold closest to your heart - and hence you have to be the most careful with them. Had Buddha been a spiritual elitist, Angulimala would have never been transformed. We have to extend our love unconditionally, even to the murderers and sinners in our society. Nobody gets left behind!!
It is one thing to think we are all united, it is another to feel that we are united, and yet another, to "know" that we are united. Perhaps it is this awareness which the great buddhas call enlightenment. When Aurobindo felt he saw Krishna in everyone, I believe he had reached this sense of unity.
I recently realised what Osho was talking about when he said that two lonely souls when united cannot make the other one feel better --> loneliness + loneliness does not = fullness! When both are ready to take from the other, empty vessels aching to be filled up, how can they ever share and feel full?! This was the problem with my previous relationships. I have to give in order to receive. We (the human species) are all the same, wanting to know the same truth, we must reach out and share.
The reason I was feeling depressed recently was that I got caught up in my own problems/my own dark thoughts/I, me, mine. This kind of ego-centric thinking only leads to more misery. It is like getting entangled in a spider's web - you go deeper into the never-ending dark tunnel. The only way out is to think in terms of compassion - reach out to other people - the more you help others come out of their traps, the less you focus on yourself. The problem of "I" then miraculously dissapears.
Ask yourself, what are the memes that separate you from others? If there is someone who believes in a meme contradicting your own, then your meme separates you from that person. How many degrees are you away from the person sitting next to you?
Picture credit: Artist Monica Stewart